Research Projects

“Telecommunications and Cryptography of Physical Layer Using Electric Circuits that exhibit Chaotic Behavior”, Archimedes I, funded by the Ministry of Education, EPEAEK-II (February 2004 –August 2006

“Framework creation and software development for the control of integrated services of digital telecommunication public switches for IP users”, funded by the General Secretariat of Research and Technology (GSRT) and Siemens A.E. (PAVE-99, EPET-II) (Jan. 1999 – Jun. 2001)

“Study of wireless architectures based on IP technology”, funded by the General Secretariat of Research and technology (GSRT) (PENED-99, EPET-II) (Jan. 1999 – Jun. 2001)

“Platform development for the evaluation of xDSL technologies”, funded by the TEI of Athens (Jan. 1999 – Feb. 2002)

“Platform development for the assessment of information management techniques in Wireless Sensor Networks”, funded by the TEI of Athens (Jan. 1999 – Feb. 2002)

“Resource Management techniques for capacity improvement in Mobile Communication Networks with QoS guarantees”, Archimedes I, funded by the Ministry of Education, EPEAEK-II (February 2004 –August 2006)

Members of the group participated in the European projects

RAINBOW (RAdio Independent Broadband on Wireless, ACTS project), which aimed in the development of the Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (UMTS).

WAND (Wireless ATM Network Demonstrator, ACTS project), which aimed in the development of wireless local area networks for ATM mobile terminals.

WINE (Wireless Internet Network, IST Project) which aimed in optimizing IP traffic over wireless networks

PoLoS (integrated Platform for Location-based Services, IST project) targeting to the development of middleware platform for LBS creation deployment and provision.


EURO-CITI (IST project) which aimed in the development of new transaction services like (tele-voting, tele-consulting etc.) in e-government domain.

SCIER (Sensor & Computing Infrastructure for Environmental Risks), IST FP6 (Strep) which aimed at the development of a GIS system based on GRID technologies and Wireless Sensor Network for the early detection of natural hazardous phenomena.
