Final progress reports and final research project reports – Scientific mission reports

1. Pantazis D., Babis Karthanasis, Li Yingcheng, Santimpantakis K., Nicologianni E., (in progress / in print), Research of the possibility for accuracy improvement of topographic maps 1:50.000 and 1:25.000 with high resolution satellite images, Final Research Report, Technological Education Institute (TEI) of Athens, Greece, National Remote Sensing Center, Beijing, China, Space Imaging Europe S.A., Athens, Geographic Military Servioce, Greece, 200 p. + annexes.

2. Pantazis D., Babis Karathanasis, Li Yingcheng, Santimpantakis K., Nicologianni E., (in progress / in print), Research of the possibility for update of Topographic Maps with high Resolution Satellite Images, Final Research Report, Technological Education Institute (TEI) of Athens, Greece, National Remote Sensing Center, Beijing, China, Space Imaging Europe S.A., Athens, Geographic Military Servioce, Greece, 200 p. + annexes.

3. Pantazis D., Li Yingcheng, Santimpantakis K., Nicologianni E., 2002, Research of the possibility for update of Topographic Maps with high Resolution Satellite Images, Progress Report No1 (First and Second semester), Technological Education Institute (TEI) of Athens, Greece, National Remote Sensing Center, Beijing, China, Space Imaging Europe S.A., Athens, Geographic Military Servioce, Greece, 50 p. + annexes.

4. Pantazis D., 1999, Project for the development of the Monts Mandara Region - Cameroun/ GIS mission / expertise, in the frame of the convention signed in 1994 for the realization of the Program for the development of Monts Mandara Region between the European Union and the Government of Cameroun, 1/9/1998 - 30/4/1999, Final Report, European Union - Government of Cameroun, Mars, Yaounde- Cameroun, Liege – Belgium, pages 112 + annexes.

5. Pantazis D., Muller F., Schwind, 1999, Expertise and technical study for the Benchmark for the purchase of a CASE-tool - in the frame of the project "Plan d'appui Scientifique à une Politique de Développment Durable - Programme Gestion Durable de la mer du Nord - Contrats de Recherche MN/DD/60, 61 et 62 : Integrated and Dynamical Oceanographic Data Management", 10/1 - 28/2/1999, University of Liege, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Geomatics, Belgium, 30 p.

6. Donnay J.P., Pantazis D., 1998, Document de travail, Plan National de Geomatique (P.N.G.), April, Dakar, Senegale, 10 p. + annexes.

7. Billen R., Pantazis D., Donnay J.P, 1998, Validation des modeles conceptuels de donnees de la base Bruxelles UrbIS 2, Convention 2, Contrat – Cadre : Bruxelles URBIS – Supervision Scientifique, Rapport Final, Liege, Belgique, 90 p. + annexes.

8. Billen R., Cormelis B., Muller F., Pantazis D., Thiam S., Donnay J.P., 1998, Elaboration du modele conceptuel de donnees de la base URBIS 2 ADM, Convention 2, Contrat – Cadre : Bruxelles URBIS – Supervision Scientifique, Liege, Belgique, 40 p. + annexes.

9. Donnay J.P., Pantazis D., 1997, Audit de la base de donnees Brussels UrbIS, Region de Bruxelles- Capitale, Liege, Belgique, 51 p.

10. Pantazis, D., 1996, EURISY Colloquium « Space and its contribution to ecological safety », St Petersburg, 23-24 May, Mission report, 16 p. + 5 annexes (34 p. + booklets).

11. Pantazis, D., de Bethune, S., 1996, « A joint Sino-Belgian project on the design and implementation of an urban geographical system (UGIS) integrating remote sensing techniques », second half-yearly project progress report, Liege, March, 40 p. + 4 annexes (50 p.).

12. Pantazis, D., 1996, 1997, « Exposé scientifique sommaire des recherches poursuivies pour le FNRS (Fonds National de Recherche Scientifique) » (2), yearly periods 1995-1996, 1996 – 1997, Annual Research Reports (Rapports annuels de recherches).

13. Pôle bases de données spatiales (France), 1995, (participation in the writing of the Research Report :) « Rapport de perspectives de recherches en matières de bases de données spatiales et géographiques », Dijon, France, 20 p. This report also appeared as an article entitled « Programme de recherches en bases de données géographiques », Revue internationale de géomatique, Vol. 5, N° 1/1995, p. 83-99, (see also VII.4, articles in journals).

14. Pantazis, D., 1995, « A joint Sino-Belgian project on the design and implementation of an urban geographical system (UGIS) integrating remote sensing techniques », Project in the framework of a research contract No IN/CH/005, Half-yearly project progress report, Liege, June, 30p. + 9 annexes (140p.).

15. Pantazis, D., 1994, « La base de données géo-graphiques du Ministère de l'aménagement du territoire du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg », Final Project Report (Final project report), University of Liege, 75p. + 3 annexes 30p.

16. Πανταζής Δ., Αβραμόπουλος Π., Καλτσάς Ν., Θώδα Κ., 1989, Ενοποίηση και αξιοποίηση ακάλυπτων χώρων – Μιά θεωρητική προσέγγιση και μιά μελέτη παρέμβασης σε ακάλυπτους χώρους, Τεχνική Εκθεση + σχέδια Διεπιστημονικής μελέτης, Τεχνικό Επιμελητήριο Ελλάδας, Παράρτημα Θεσσαλίας, Λάρισα, 150 σελ.