Each file corresponds to a different multi-index assignment problem, axial or planar, as denoted by its name. The number ‘K’ denotes the number of sets and the number ‘N’ the cardinality of each set. For example, the file “axial_K=5_N=12” corresponds to the 5-index axial assignment problem of order 12.


Each file contains randomly generated objective function coefficients for 10 problem instances. Each coefficient appears on a separate line, while each instance begins with a heading denoting the values of K and N together with the instance number. For example, “K=5, N=12, Problem 6” corresponds to the 5th instance of the 5-index axial assignment problem of order 12. The coefficients are integer numbers randomly drawn from the interval {1…N^K}. The coefficients are c_{m_1, m_2,…,m_k} with index m_k varying fastest and index m_1 varying slowest.



Axial Problems


K=4, N=10

K=4, N=11

K=4, N=12

K=4, N=13

K=4, N=14

K=4, N=15

K=4, N=16

K=4, N=17

K=4, N=18

K=4, N=19

K=4, N=20


K=5, N=7

K=5, N=8

K=5, N=9

K=5, N=10

K=5, N=11

K=5, N=12

K=5, N=13

K=5, N=14


K=6, N=8

K=6, N=9






Planar Problems


K=4, N=5

K=4, N=7

K=4, N=8


K=5, N=4

K=5, N=5


K=6, N=5