I was born in Athens, Greece, on June 16, 1975. I received the B.S. degree in informatics, the M.Sc. degree in telecommunications, and the Ph.D. degree from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, in 1997, 1999, and 2005, respectively. My doctoral thesis was on all-optical signal processing by means of fiber-based devices for data network applications.

From 2000 till 2010 I served as a researcher and external collaborator at the Optical Communications Laboratory, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, participating in local and European projects. Since 2010, I am with the Department of Informatics and Computer Engineering, University of West Attica, Greece where I serve as an Associate Professor. I have authored or co-authored more than 150 articles published in international scientific journals and conference proceedings. My published work has been cited more than 2000 times by other researchers.

My current research interests include high-speed all-optical transmission systems and networks, nonlinear effects in optical fibers, all-optical signal processing and all-optical networking, nonlinear effects in photonic waveguides, mid-infrared photonics and cryptography at the physical layer. I also serve as a reviewer for the journals of the IEEE, Nature, Elsevier, MDPI and the Optical Society of America and I am an OSA senior member. I serve as an associate editor for the OSA Continuum. I serve as a member of the Greek Universities Network (GUnet) and the Greek School Network (www.sch.gr) representing the University of West Attica. I am a member of the Technical Programme Committee of ECOC 2017, 2018, CLEO PR 2018, ESLW 2018. In Nov. 2017, I represented Greece in the 39th General Conference of UNESCO in Paris participating in the Education Commission.